Workology Experts – Career Zest

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  • Workology Experts – Career Zest

We are delighted to introduce our first Workology partner, Kirsty Jamieson, owner of Isle of Man professional careers advisory business, Career Zest.

Outplacement Specialist & Careers Advisor

Kirsty is an outplacement specialist experienced in the Isle of Man market and a well-established university careers advisor.  With a background in HR, Training & Development, her personable, friendly and caring expert approach is rooted in positive psychology with services designed to provide individuals with the skills, knowledge and confidence to identify and reach individual career goals. 

Strengths profiling, analysis & identification

Qualified in strengths profiling, Kirsty undertakes analysis and identification, which enables a wide range of applications with regards to career advice and objectives through our Enhanced and Executive programmes.  Instrumental as part of the Workology inclusion and asset design team, Kirsty also supports and delivers key elements across our programmes.

Qualifications & Experience

BSc Psychology (Lancaster University)
MSc Occupational Psychology (Liverpool John Moores University)
Postgraduate Diploma in Career Guidance & Development (Edinburgh Napier University)
Listed on Register of Qualifications in Test Use for Occupational Testing (Ability & Personality)
Certified Qualification in Strengths Profile

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